Tuesday 30 November 2010

Museum of Moustashes

Below shows the briefly the processes taken to reach the final piece (right image). Because of the very unusual panel shapes at the top I had to formulate my own text by hand drawing it as shown on the left image.

Similarly to the editorial I attempted to go for a slightly cartoony look in the way I drew the line work and the way I applied could in a simple cell shaded manor. The primary concern that presented itself was that a lot of negative space was present around the lettering and central image, as a result I had to improvise so I gathered various Edwardian patterns, live traced them and placed them around the border areas of the poster.

Further Alterations
The most important alteration I want to make to this piece before I consider it for the portfolio is to re create the pattern in the background of the poster. This way I wouldn’t be plagiarizing someone else’s pattern design and I could custom shape the pattern more effectively around the lettering and central image.

The font curved around the central illustration is also warped in certain areas, due to the curve modifier I added on Photoshop. Placing each letter by hand or using the tools on in design rather than Photoshop should be able to over come this issue.

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