Monday 29 November 2010

Looking Back

Summer Work

More Cutaway Illustrations over Summer

Initially in the final major study module of year 2 I wanted to create three cutaway illustration, but due to time constraints narrowed it down to two, the third I never had time to create was the Russian Land battleship. As a result I was a eager to allocate time over summer to create the illustration.

This cutaway took approximately 2 weeks to create, though work was done on and off each day. in terms of hours it probably took around 15-20 hours.

The style was further developed than the previous two, incorporating new ideas such as the implementation of characters/figures into the cutaways to both give a sense of scale and activity to the vehicle itself. Wear was also applied in the forms of mud splatter and rust on the edges to give the vehicle a more war torn feel, which the previous cutaway illustrious lacked. Other minor aspects were added to supplement the illustration further such as the ground texture and co-ordinated shadows to make the vehicle appear as if it were in an environment.

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