Tuesday 30 November 2010

James and the Giant Peach - Front Cover Design

The main inspiration i drew from at the start of this project was the work of victorian illustrator Arthur rackham. He uses watercolour and inked lines to create beautiful tracitional illustrations.

Below are two pages on initial sketches I made into the composition of the final piece. Originally (left part of image) I aimed at showing the exterior of the peach in mid air carried array by hundreds of seagulls from the hungry sharks below. This would have made a nice image but it would however not effectively show any of the characters as they are too far away and almost silhouette in appearance.

This led me to think of a way of showing all the major characters clearly, most covers show characters on the outside of the peach so i attempted a different approach with an interior scene of the peach.

Due to time constraints and the fact that i already new what style i wanted in the final peice i went straight into tjhe final production.


One major issue during the final production was an issue of detail and resolution that occurred with the line work in stark comparison to the sharpness of the watercolour texture. Because I scanned the original line work and then laser printed it onto a3 where it was painted I effectively was degrading the quality of line work and further degrading it with the final scan of the painted version. To overcome this issue I applied various sharpening techniques on Photoshop including smart sharpen and paint dabs.

Adjustments that need to be made

The first adjustment that needs to be made is for the main 'James' character to be anatomically correct, his neck is too wide and long; also his left arm is tiny in comparison to the right.

The main title text could also be aligned to the right to coordinate with the diagonal shape of the peach coloured gradient.

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