Friday 3 December 2010

Environmental Concepts - Mixing Matte-painting with 3D

To save time often instead of crating full 3d environments with every tree, hill, mountain textured in the background oten they combine photographic elements into the fray. Other mattepainters use the digital software to composite the photographic elements together rather than use the 3d software to create particular structures or objects.

Often artists create the environment concept in the following way foreground - 3d rendered, background - photomontage / mattepainting. Sometimes elements impossible to achieve wit photomontage in the backgrounds can even be added with 3d software.

Here is a selection of matte paintings by Wayne Haag, he implements a lot of 3d with photomontage. Often foreground buildings, vehicles and objects are created totally with 3d software and the rest with matte-painting techniques.

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